Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Great Classes!

We have been having a really great time in our free garden classes. Last Saturday we had the class at The Canby Center.

Tim Lanfri taught the class on growing tomatoes and potatoes. We all took notes as fast as we could, he had some very interesting facts and experiences.

 We practiced "pruning " tomatoes on our own drawing of a tomato plant and at the end of class Marlene and I had brought baby tomato plants for everyone.

Do you wish you had been there? I don't have a time machine but if you go to the CCGA web site you can find PDF's of all the handouts for every class we have had so far.

And put the future classes on your calendar! They are all going to be action packed.

Monday, May 2, 2011

New Section Work Party

New section just after John finished the weed eating. The week before the high school students plowed the section.

Our neighbor Cricket is visiting the garden with her best behavior, leash on and staying out of the garden. What a sweetie.
We had a very productive work party at the garden on Saturday. It was for the new section gardeners to really get to know their garden and put a little elbow grease in on their investment.
John had all the supplies on hand and Lauren brought fruit and donuts to snack on.
The work went really fast thanks to everyone who showed up.
Good job everyone and thanks for being involved gardeners! --Lauren

Amee and her 2 sons Benjamin and Sam get ready to use the second load of chips. What really great helpers.

Chris Gilbert put in the cross paths
My plot before
My plot after about 45 minutes of tidying. I planted some beets and a second batch of lettuce.